Glass Beach Ventures
Our goal is to make alternative investments (primarily real estate syndications) accessible to anyone. Real estate investing can be time consuming, risky and completely miserable if you are new or unfamiliar with the space. We remove the guesswork by providing our investors access to highly curated investment opportunities that generate monthly/quarterly cash distributions.
Harrison Riley in the Founder of GBV. He personally holds 16 small multifamily properties in Pittsburgh, PA and is a Limited Partner (LP) in seven syndications. Harrison passionately believes that everyone should have investment exposure to real estate, hence GBV was born to make this goal a reality. Prior to real estate, Harrison helped build technology companies and spent time consulting at some of the world’s largest organizations. Harrison and his wife are graduates of Gonzaga University (Go Zags!) and call Alameda, CA home.
Glass Beach
Glass Beach is a real place. It is located in Fort Bragg, CA (where Harrison grew up) and up until the 1960’s was a dump site for local residents. Click here for more.
Alameda, CA is where the popsicle and homogenized peanut butter were invented, and has the most Victorian homes per capita in the world!
The Why
Real estate is the single most important investment you can make. More people need access to institutional quality investments.